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Our products>Packages
  • Grated Grana Padano

Grated Grana Padano

The best fresh grated Grana Padano.

Seasoned and selected Grana Padano is carefully grated without the crust and packed in bags under protected atmosphere.

This kind of packaging keeps the product fresh and in perfect conditions for months, with the same nutrition qualities of the raw materials used in the preparation of this cheese.

  • Parmigiano Reggiano

    Parmigiano Reggiano

    Still today, as in the past, the production of Parmigiano Reggiano requires experience, care and passion. It is more than 8 centuries that Parmigiano Reggiano is produced by dairymen following the same production steps.
  • Grana Padano

    Grana Padano

    Tastes and scents are very similar one wheel to the other, strictly connected with the cheese aging: softer and sweeter if the cheeses is between 10 and 19 months old, more spicy and straw in scent as the cheese becomes older.
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